Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce aliquet interdum libero, quis semper ipsum luctus vel. Duis vel aliquam nulla, ut congue felis. Nulla tincidunt magna vitae ipsum pretium, sed efficitur est condimentum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut tellus nulla, porta eget enim quis, ultricies iaculis nunc. Etiam iaculis est id turpis tempor, maximus porttitor diam volutpat. Curabitur convallis dolor rhoncus euismod consectetur.


Prep Time1 hour
Active Time1 hour
Course: Main Course
Cuisine: Turkish
Keyword: Lahmacun, Ovenbaked, Street food, Traditional
Yield: 10 pieces
Author: Homemade Dreams


  • Rolling Pin
  • Large pan or iron skillet
  • Kitchen robot
  • Mixing bowl x 2
  • Cling film
  • Oven tray
  • Spatula


For the dough

  • 550 gr All-purpose flour white
  • 1 tea spoon Instant yeast
  • 50 ml Sunflower oil
  • 1 table spoon Salt
  • 1 tea spoon Sugar
  • Lukewarm water

Meat filling

  • 500 gr Minced meat beef or lamb with 20% fat
  • 2 Onions-middle size white
  • 2 Tomatoes-middle size
  • 2 Red peppers small-middle
  • 2 Green peppers small-middle
  • ½ bunch Parsley
  • 2 cloves Garlic
  • 1 table spoon Paprika paste
  • 1 table spoon Tomato paste
  • Sunflower oil in case meat is not fatty enough
  • Salt, ground cumin, black pepper, red pepper to taste


For the dough

  • First , start with making the dough. In a cup, mix some water, dry yeast and 1 teaspoon of sugar. Sugar is used to activate dry yeast. In a mixing bowl, put flour and make small pool. Add the activated yeast mixture in the middle. Add salt and start forming the dough. put waster as it needs to fully combine. Knead until the dough reaches a smooth texture. Cover the bowl with a cling film and let it rest for 30 mins-1 hour.

For the meat filling

  • In a mixing bowl, grate the the onions and garlic cloves, so it will release the juice and there will not be any hard lumpy onion pieces. In the same bowl, grate the tomatoes to have a soft juicy texture.Chop the peppers and parsley finely and add them in the bowl together with the meat. Add both tomato paste and paprika paste. Add rest of the spices according to preferred taste. Mix all the ingredients with hand. Add oil necessary- if meat has less fat. The desired consistency will be juicy in order to spread easily. Set the mixture aside.

Preparing Lahmacun

  • When the dough is well rested, sprinkle some flour on the working surface. Divide the dough to smaller portions, similar to the size of mandarin. Make them round and sprinkle flour on top of them as well. Prepare the oven tray or iron skillet for cooking. Using a rolling pin, roll them flat-round shape, similar to the size of a serving plate. Spread the meat mixture and transfer it to skillet.
    Lahmacun is traditionally baked in wood oven. However, if we would like to prepare it at home, there is a way! 🙂 First, we bake the Lahmacun in a skillet on the stovetop and then transfer to an oven tray. Bake them 2-3 mins on the oven's top shelf to make sure the meat cooks evenly.

Serving Lahmacun

  • Lahmacun is tradionally served with fresh salad. Simply cut some tomatoes, chop some red/white onion, parsley and green salad. Before rolling lahmacun, sprinkle some lemon juice then add as much fresh salad ingredients as you like. Finally roll the lahmacun ad enjoy!
  • Small note: One of the best accompanying drink is called "Ayran"- essentially made with 3 simple ingredients: Yoghurt, water and salt. just mix them together with a blender and serve!
